Force4 3Q23 Newsletter & Industry Trends

Force4 3Q23 Newsletter & Industry Trends

The fourth quarter carries a full business slate: budget and tax planning, hustling to meet this year’s sales goals, and setting new goals, strategies and priorities for the upcoming year. Add in several major holidays, and you’ve got the makings of a hectic three months. Perhaps your company is looking for more inbound leads at this time or trying to ensure you retain your valuable current customers. Maybe you’re focused on creating a strategy that will make your company attractive to investors down the road. And who couldn’t benefit from learning to be more resilient as we move through ongoing economic uncertainty? No matter what your focus is for Q4, we’ve got you covered with timely content to help you secure those all-important year-end deals and finish off the year with a bang.


The Decision is Yours

As Q4 2023 kicks off, for many companies, it marks the final push to meet your objectives and finish the year strong. Here are some guideposts to help you get aligned and focused to make the best decisions possible.


Want More Inbound Leads? Revamp Your Content Strategy

Content is the bedrock of today’s digital marketing strategy. Prospects are seeking solutions to their problems at all phases of the buying process. If done correctly, content creation is a potent way to connect and drive revenue growth.


Create a Customer Retention Strategy with Strategic PR and Marketing

An effective customer retention strategy creates brand loyalty and ensures your customers are accurately educated about your brand and products. See how targeted marketing and PR programs can enhance customer retention, and ultimately, ROI.


2023 Marketing Strategies That Drive Successful Exits

As VCs, private equity firms and acquirers look for solid tech investments that yield a good ROI, it’s important to create a business that’s “built to sell” — even if you’re not wanting to sell now. Building the right PR and marketing strategy is essential for success in the B2B high-tech sector.


Tap Into Resilience to Capitalize on Changing Circumstances

Whoever coined the phrase, “The only constant is change,” would feel right at home in this era of ongoing disruption. In such a business landscape, only the fittest survive – those who can adapt rapidly and pursue new growth possibilities. Maintaining a competitive edge requires the ability to innovate and demonstrate marketing resilience.

Industry Trends

The 10 Most Important AI Trends For 2024 Everyone Must Be Ready For Now

The speed at which artificial intelligence (AI) evolves and integrates into our lives is only going to increase in 2024.

As companies learn to unlock its potential, individuals use it to boost productivity, and legislators scratch their heads over-regulating it, AI will become increasingly omnipresent in everything we do.


Gartner Forecasts Global Security and Risk Management Spending to Grow 14% in 2024

Worldwide end-user spending on security and risk management is projected to total $215 billion in 2024, an increase of 14.3% from 2023, according to new forecast from Gartner, Inc. In 2023, global security and risk management end-user spending is estimated to reach $188.1 billion.


Forrester’s 2024 Tech Leadership Predictions About AI, HR, Budget and Manufacturing

Organizations are already reaping up to 40% improvement from AI software development initiatives, and productivity and problem-solving gains will increase by 50%, the firm said.


Gartner Identifies Top Trends Shaping the Future of Data Science and Machine Learning

Gartner, Inc. today highlighted the top trends impacting the future of data science and machine learning (DSML) as the industry rapidly grows and evolves to meet the increasing significance of data in artificial intelligence (AI), particularly as the focus shifts towards generative AI investments.


AI and Cybersecurity: A New Era

  • Cybercriminals are using AI to carry out a variety of sophisticated attacks, from data poisoning to deepfakes.
  • Cybersecurity organizations also increasingly rely on AI to help flag suspicious data and detect or thwart attacks.
  • To help keep your data safe, review your current cybersecurity protection and make sure it follows best practices.


DHS warns about 2024’s cyberthreats

Cybercrime, attacks on critical infrastructure, cyberespionage, misinformation and disinformation, election interference and emerging technologies will be the biggest cyberthreats in 2024, according to a Department of Homeland Security report released Thursday. The annual report presents a sweeping picture of all homeland threats, ranging from illegal drugs to terrorism to immigration challenges. But woven throughout are predictions about the way cyber factors into economic security, public safety and security, and critical infrastructure security.


Data is the true currency of Industrial IoT tech

IIoT technology is improving productivity and efficiency in manufacturing and supply chain, and works best when there is stringent data discipline.

Fun Fact

Every advertisement for iPhone has the time set to 9:41 to match when Steve Jobs announced the original iPhone.

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